Shipping Methods


Get Shipping Methods

Optional Parameters

  • maxItems, limits the number of results returned. in Pagination

  • nextPagingToken, required to fetch the next page. Read more in Pagination


curl -D- -X GET <base_url>/api/v1/shipping-methods?cultureCode=<cultureCode>&countryId=<countryId>&priceGroupId=<priceGroupId> \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


   "nextPagingToken": null,
   "shippingMethods": [
           "description": "{description}",
           "displayName": "{displayName}",
           "id": "{id}",
           "imageUrl": "{imageUrl}",
           "name": "{name}",
           "price": {
           "amount": "{amount}",
           "currency": "{currency}"
           "description": "{description}",
           "displayName": "{displayName}",
           "id": "{id}",
           "imageUrl": "{imageUrl}",
           "name": "{name}",
           "price": {
           "amount": "{amount}",
           "currency": "{currency}"
           "description": "{description}",
           "displayName": "{displayName}",
           "id": "{id}",
           "imageUrl": "{imageUrl}",
           "name": "{name}",
           "price": {
           "amount": "{amount}",
           "currency": "{currency}"

Error Handling


BadRequest (400)

No shipping methods are found for the given price group or country.

Unauthorized (401)

The token is expired.

Forbidden (403)

The token does not have access to this endpoint.

Error Response Example

            "error-description": "Shipping methods not found on the given context.",
            "error": "BadRequest"
Error Handling

Last updated