Auth0 Authentication Example

This is a quick guide on setting up Backoffice authentication with Auth0.


In this example, you will need the following NuGet package


Setting up Ucommerce Backoffice

Setting up Ucommerce backoffice with Auth0 requires you to set up an external authentication scheme and external claims mapper when calling .AddBackOffice()

To set up the authentication, use a helper method from the Auth0 package to add all the required services via the AuthenticationBuilder. We highly recommend looking into some of these methods, as they do much of the groundwork to set up OpenID.

var ucommerceBuilder = builder.Services
    .AddBackOffice(securitySettings =>
                authenticationBuilder =>
                    // Use the AuthenticationBuilder from ASP.NET to set up authentication
                            auth0Options =>
                                auth0Options.Domain = builder.Configuration["Auth0:Domain"]!;
                                auth0Options.ClientId = builder.Configuration["Auth0:ClientId"]!;
                                // Ucommerce will handle the cookie session, so we disable it for Auth0
                                auth0Options.SkipCookieMiddleware = true;
            // Configure Ucommerce to use your scheme from code

Create your Auth0 application

Create your application in the Auth0 Dashboard.

When the application is created, update appsettings.json to keep track of Domain and ClientId.

  "Auth0": {
    "Domain": "{YourDomain}",
    "ClientId": "{YourClientID}"

For further guidance on setting up Auth0, we recommend the Auth0 Quickstart Guide.

Last updated

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