Price Group Inheritance

Starting with version 10.5, a price group can inherit from another price group. This feature enables a derived price group to automatically adopt all product prices set in its base price group. If a specific product price is defined in the derived price group, this price will take precedence when working with that price group. Because product prices are adopted, a derived price group is locked to the same currency as its base price group.

Use case

This functionality is handy for assigning different prices for a subset of products to customers or customer segments while keeping the default price for all other products.

If this capability is not needed, it's recommended to avoid creating derived price groups.


The default limit for the depth of a price group inheritance tree is 10. To change this, set the Ucommerce:Core:MaxPriceGroupHierarchyDepth setting in your app configuration.

Be careful with deeply nested price group trees. It can significantly impact performance. The feature is not designed for extensive hierarchical depth.

Last updated