Stripe Provider Integration
How to get started with payment provider integrations.
Installing the integration
Install the
NuGet package.Add the Stripe integration to the program.cs file to use the default Stripe implementation:
is the URI where the Stripe webhook should be pointed to later. If left without a value, the default endpoint will be:{yourDomain}/Stripe/process/callback
Stripe is now available as a payment method service. It can now be selected for new and existing payment methods.
Creating a Payment Method
In the back office UI, navigate to Settings -> Payment Methods.
Click New to create a new payment method.
Select Stripe as the service.
Configuring Stripe
Connect the payment method to a Stripe account by filling out the Service properties section in UI.
The service properties available will vary depending on the payment service selected.
Public Key
The account-specific public key for the Stripe account. It can be found in the Stripe Developer Dashboard.
Secret Key
The account-specific secret key for the Stripe account. It can be found in the Stripe Developer Dashboard.
Webhook Secret
The webhook-specific key. It is set up in the Stripe Developer Dashboard.
Success URL
The partial route that the user is navigated to on a successful purchase.
Cancel URL
The partial route that the user is navigated to on an unsuccessful purchase.
The keys can be found on the Stripe Developer Dashboard located here. When setting up the webhook, remember to point it to the webhook set on startup.
Once configured, the payment method can be enabled by flipping the Enabled toggle in the UI.
When testing the Stripe integration, the Stripe CLI can greatly help. If testing is done on a local machine using localhost, a tunneling service can be used as a proxy.
Last updated
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