Payment Methods


Get Payment Methods

Optional Parameters

  • maxItems, limits the number of results returned. in Pagination

  • nextPagingToken, required to fetch the next page. Read more in Pagination

  • priceGroupId, limits the results to Payment Methods available for a Price Group. From Price Groups


curl -D- -X POST <base_url>/api/v1/payment-methods?countryId=<countryId>&cultureCode=<cultureCode>&priceGroupId=<priceGroupId>&maxItems=<maxItems>&nextPagingToken=<nextPagingToken> \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


    "nextPagingToken": "{nextPagingToken | null}",
    "paymentMethods": [
            "description": "{description}",
            "displayName": "{displayName}",
            "feePercent": "{feePercent}",
            "fees": [
                    "amount": "{amount}",
                    "priceGroupId": "{priceGroupId}"
            "id": "{id}",
            "imageUrl": "{imageUrl}",
            "name": "{paymentName}"
            "displayName": "{displayName}",
            "feePercent": "{feePercent}",
            "fees": [
                    "amount": "{amount}",
                    "priceGroupId": "{priceGroupId}"
            "id": "{id}",
            "imageId": "{imageId}",
            "imageUrl": "{imageUrl}",
            "name": "{name}"

Error Handling


BadRequest (400)

PriceGroup does not exist; Country does not exist; etc.

Unauthorized (401)

The token is expired.

Forbidden (403)

The token does not have access to this endpoint.

Error Response Example

            "error-description": "Invalid cultureCode.",
            "error": "BadRequest"
Error Handling

Last updated